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Christoph Thomas retires from active management

New management from January 2025

Hama’s employees were the first to find out. Christoph Thomas, grandson of the company founder, announced his retirement from the management team at the annual works meeting at the end of October. From the beginning of next year, this will be the first time that a family member will no longer be at the helm of the  Germany based company.
After the activity and business reports from the works council and management team, Christoph Thomas announced an important personnel change at the regular works meeting. At the beginning of next year, he will step down as Chairman of the Executive Board and join the company's Advisory Board.

 "I have been part of this company since 1987 and Managing Director since 1993. A company that was not only a place of work for me, but also an essential part of my life. As the founder's grandson, it has been an honour to carry on my family's legacy together with my father, my uncle Rudolph and many other great people and to guide it through all the challenges and successes of the past decades. But everything has its time and the time has come to hand over the reins to the next generation," said Christoph Thomas, explaining his departure from the operational management level to his employees. Even if he is no longer actively involved in day-to-day business, he will continue to support the further development of Hama and contribute his experience in his role as Chairman of the "Adolf und Christoph Thomas" Family Foundation and as Chairman of the newly established Hama Advisory Board.

Hama is positioned for the future
The restructuring process was initiated several years ago. Back in 2015, the founding families set up two foundations to ensure the long-term survival of Hama and to focus on preserving jobs at the Monheim site. According to the outgoing Managing Director, both of these were very successful, with sustainable management and a long-term strategy making a significant contribution. Christoph Thomas assured his staff that in challenging times like these, their jobs at Hama were secure and that there was no threat of job cuts or short-time working as in other companies.

New management from 2025
In January 2025, Managing Director Christian Sokcevic will take over as CEO, and the current authorised signatories Roland Handschiegel and Michael List will be appointed as additional Managing Directors. In line with their personal life plans, authorised signatories Maximilian Bartl and Thomas Kopp will remain part of the management team until they retire from active professional life in the middle of next year.


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