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Hama mourns the death of senior director Rudolph Hanke

The Hama family mourns the death of its senior director Rudolph Hanke, who passed away unexpectedly on 7th May at the age of 86. As the son of the company founder, Rudolph Hanke represented the Monheim-based company Hama.

After the early death of his father, he took over the management of the company in 1959 together with his brother-in-law Adolf Thomas. For many years, Rudolph Hanke was the company's technical director, product manager, product developer and advertising manager all in one. The products he invented, such as the “Hamafix” slide frames, the well-known film glue press and the best-selling book “Filterfaszination”, to name only a few, were legendary.

Important part and role model for all
Rudolph Hanke was the head of the accessories specialist for 58 years and played a major role in shaping and characterizing the development of the company. He retired from management in 2017, just in time for his 80th birthday. His lifelong, honest and combative passion remained until the end. Rudolph Hanke represented passion, determination, expertise, great humanity and a warm approachability. He was not only a fundamental part of Hama's success, but he was also a human role model for all employees.


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